Chase's Journey

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nursing- With Teeth

The past week has had me scrambling to find the answers to this issue of a cranky, sore, teething baby trying to nurse. As I said before, I did not have to deal with it when it came to Kaely teething since I weaned her once she hit 1 year, and she had just gotten her first tooth right after her 1st birthday. So, I've noticed Chase pulling, tugging, twisting, turning, and chomping- ummm- OWWWWW! The yelps seem to do nothing more than either increase his fussiness, or earn me a quick eyebrow raise with a grin- never letting go. Now that those razor-sharp chompers have definite bite behind them- I'm pretty nervous every time its mealtime. How do you "discipline" or discourage a baby from using you as a teething toy?

So, some things I read up on, and realized...

1. When he is actively nursing, he should have a good deep latch, and his tongue would essentially be covering his teeth- so he shouldn't be able to bite. Okay- so if I pay attention, I realize his latch sucks. Often times when I'm too full, he can't get the best latch, and just eats lazily since it works as a fountain anyway.... this is how we get to the next issue

2. They will often let go of the latch, and pull back, turn their heads, look around, etc when they are pretty much done actively nursing- so they sometimes (or more often than not) will bite down when they start to lose grip- this is a frequent occurrence- he gets distracted and decides to "play"- this is where I'm cracking down- and once he starts this, he's cut off.

3. Biting to get attention- hmmmm- now this is a new one...  but it makes sense in a way- I mean, obviously when he does something like whack us, or bite, or coo, or screech, we quickly turn our attention to him... so by being in a conversation with someone else, watching a show, or doing whatever else it is- it's the one form of tried & true communication tool he has. Gotta work on changing that though- may involve scaring/startling him by yelling- not sure yet

4. Oh- and realize also now that he gets antsy and agitated when he empties out a side. This hasn't happened all that often until recently- but his appetite only continues to increase, so I noticed when he starts squirming and pulling, that it's time to switch sides- he acts like a ravenous pup that has been starved. Ridiculous- but okay- time to pay closer attention before he has a chance to nip me.

The worst part of this is when he seems to be in pain- and hungry at the same time- because he keeps trying to eat, but every other second stops to cry and stop eating... really sucks. In regards to the suggestions of using things like Orajel (or whiskey -lol) - there are serious potential side effects with things like benzocaine which is the numbing agent in the OTC medicines. It can cause complications with breathing, and even death, often associated with a rare medical condition (Methemoglobanemia)- but for me- it's not worth taking the chance. He isn't crazy about the cold teething toys- the food (banana) works because, well, it's food... otherwise it's the hand/fingers/cloth/etc. So- we just hold on tight for the bumpy, teething, ride... Two teeth down- 18 more to go (in the next 2 1/2 years or so)... fun, fun, fun

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