Chase's Journey

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Complementary Feeding

Ah... yes. I stumbled across this pamphlet while looking at the new growth charts that the CDC is recommending using for babies aged 0-2 years. The WHO (World Health Organization) has a more accurate chart than what the CDC was using in previous years, reflecting breastfed infants.

In any case, the pamphlet Guiding Principles For Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed Child, discusses both the Guideline, and the Scientific Rationale of the recommendations. Seeing as I've been bitten the past couple days, I've really been soul-searching about how long to continue this whole nursing thing- because man it hurts! But the health benefits may have me resorting to pumping again if I have to.

They recommend introducing foods around 6 months of age (oh well), when they are developmentally and physically ready. I thought the excerpt "Optimal complementary feeding depends not only on what is fed, but also how, when, where, and by whom the child is fed." This is so true. Just like typically I cannot give Chase a bottle for anything... at least not warmed up. But to give it cold, or as we tried today- in a sippy/training cup- he loved it. Same goes for testing solids and being at home versus out and about.

The Guidelines cover:

  1. Duration of exclusive breastfeeding (BF) and age of introduction of complementary foods
  2. Maintenance of BF
  3. Responsive feeding
  4. Safe preparation and storage of complementary foods
  5. Amount of complementary foods needed
  6. Food consistency
  7. Meal frequency and energy density 
  8. Nutrient content of complementary foods
  9. Use of vitamin-mineral supplements or fortified products for infants or mother
  10. Feeding during and after illness
I appreciate using this information exactly as it is stated- as a "guideline"- while finding a middle ground with Infant-Led Weaning, and just honestly taking cues from Chase. I want to make sure he enjoys meals, and has a positive association with mealtimes... everyday is a new adventure, and while I'm sure we'll encounter some disasters, his health and happiness is still top priority.  

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